Wednesday, April 10, 2013

H7N9, the new bird flu discovered in China 



 H7N9, la nuova influenza  aviaria scoperta in Cina

Health suit to work to clean the poultry market of Huhuai in Shanghai, China, where it has been detected for the first time the H7N9 virus. Eight people have died so far and another 20 were infected dall'H7N9, all are located in eastern China, reports ABC News.

 Nancy Cox, chief of the division for the influences of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention U.S., said that for the first time the CDC are working on a vaccine that uses the genetic code of the virus rather than the virus itself.

 Un nuovo farmaco contro i virus Una cura per tutti i mali?

 It is not yet clear whether the new strain of influenza will change or not in a lethal pandemic, writes David Quammen, author of Spillover: Animal Infections and the Next Human Pandemic. "Nobody knows, and at this point no one knows, because the virus inflenzali are by nature unpredictable. They change all the time. The eight gene segments major tear and reconnect with segments of other influenza viruses." >>>

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